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Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 3, 2016

Tomato Toeic Compact Part 1-2 (Book+Audio)

Through data analysis questions often appear in TOEIC recently , including the question often appears in the New TOEIC during the last 6 years , to give the form of the question of part 1 & 2 and the tactical performance best results have been verified .

The wording under the common system .

Based on these phrases and expressions often appear , we have arranged the wording is difficult and confusing least according to each individual with the same illustrations related to the candidate can grasp easily easy .

The real question has to be carefully selected

While attending the TOEIC test , the compilers of this book have classified the questions according to difficulty level and topic , so that the design of materials and exercises close to the real exam

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