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Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 11, 2015

[HOT] Hacker TOEIC Listening PDF - Audio - David Cho

[HOT] Hacker TOEIC Listening - David Cho

In this book, every Part of the TOEIC test has been presented and arranged in a roughty similar format with the following features:

1. A large collection of actual questions
A great number of actual questions have been collected and arrangJed to help you both practice and enhance your test-taking ability.

2. An MP3 CD for listening practice

An MP3 CD is provided to enable you to practice a variety of listening activitives to gradually familiarize yourself with the format and question types of the actual test.

3. Explanation of testing points, test-taking strategies, and study strategies

A wide range of testing points that you may encounter in the actual test is carefully explained. More importantly, test-taking srategies and study strategies and briefly pressented to facilitate your test training and learning. 

4. Basic points for test-taking
All basics points are carefully analyzed to provide you with a good preparation for taking the actual test.

Link Download: Ebook

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